Korea's first shipbuilding equipment
Manufacturer Matching Platform

marine vessel MRO B2B system Start now at CK Tech!


Isn't it difficult to order equipment for the ship and offshore plant industry?

Problems in ordering equipment and materials for the current ship and offshore plant industry

Why is it difficult to find the product you want?

Components for marine and marine products and services are very diverse and have a wide range. In many distribution processes, supply is only 10% possible. It is difficult to identify and reflect customer needs in the distribution process, and it takes a lot of money and time.

CK Tech's MRO B2B system is different!


Reasonable and realistic core technology unique to CK Tech!


CK Tech provides marine and ship product information and recommends, compares, and trades platforms!

Enjoy your business
Sincerely yours.

Convenient and fast search for shipbuilding equipment, supply and production of safe trading alternatives, and customized manufacturing services are all available on the CK Tech BTOB platform.